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GCB tool chain instructions

Nanhu structure of Xiangshan support RV64GCBK extension (RV64IMAFDC_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs_zbkb_zbkc_zbkx_zknd_zkne_zknh_zksed_zksh_svinval)

This instruction explains how to compile B extension GNU tool as GNU toolchain release does not support it yet. You can modify the configuration options in this instruction if you need more support such as K extension.

Release notes of tool chain

~~Option 1 (Deprecated)~~

(Hint: you can clone riscv-gnu-toolchain before replacing riscv-gcc and riscv-binutils as above)

~~Option 2 (Deprecated)~~

To simplify the operation of switching branchs in submodule, Xiangshan forked a riscv-gnu-toolchain and had updated the submodules in order to support B extension and K extension. Submodules in this repository has been switched and can be compiled directly without switching manually.

git clone

For users in China, we highly recommend using the mirrors provided by PLCT at ISCAS. We express our special thanks to them for providing the mirrors for riscv-gnu-toolchain and had updated the submodules constantly.

## to clone (not recommended)
git clone
## to clone with submodules (recommended)
curl | bash

For users outside China, we recommend using the official riscv-gnu-toolchain repository.

Compiling method of tool chain

Please refer to the corresponding parts in riscv-gnu-toolchain official documents

Compile tool chain

cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --prefix=PATH_TO_INSTALL --with-arch=rv64gc_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs
# newlib (riscv-unknown-elf-)
make -jN
# linux (riscv-unknown-linux-gnu-)
make linux -jN
  • If make fails, it may be a permissions issue, so try again with the sudo make command
  • Set the environment variable RISCV=PATH_TO_INSTALL after compiling
  • Add RISCV/bin to PATH
export PATH=$RISCV/bin:$PATH

Generate B extension instructions

Add -march=rv64gc_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs to gcc compilation options

Here we take an example of compilation applications in AM:

# $AM_HOME/am/arch/isa/

-COMMON_FLAGS  := -fno-pic -march=rv64gc -mcmodel=medany
+COMMON_FLAGS  := -fno-pic -march=rv64gc_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs -mcmodel=medany